Pink in the City
In December 2012, Soror Mamie Webb Hixon presented a proposal to the chapter to brand, market, and sponsor a PAINT THE TOWN PINK WEEKEND to include a Saturday PINK IN THE CITY (PITC) fundraiser and ”funraiser”— a gala/dance party and a PINK Sunday at participating local churches. The proposal involved acquiring corporate sponsorships, including the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, to help sponsor a breast cancer awareness fundraiser. As a result, September 14, 2013, marked the beginning of a new tradition in Pensacola, Florida—a unique social event, whose proceeds each year will go to the American Heart Association, Covenant Care, and the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and to the chapter's community service programs and other community charitable organizations. Part of the program included a video titled “Pinking the City” produced and directed by Soror Mamie Webb Hixon in conjunction with the production staff of WEAR TV-3 in Pensacola, Florida.